PETA Confirms Insanity

PETA’s ridiculousness isn’t really news. Remember how they thought it would be a good idea to stop animal exploitation with their super progressive naked babes ad campaign? That rationality makes a lot of sense, right? “Stop exploiting animals! These hot chicks are...

Celebrity Politics: A Letter of Intervention

Dear Every Celebrity Ever, I’m writing on behalf of all of the civilians of the United States and – dare I say – the Entire Mother Earth. You know how you always feel the need to voice your opinion on politics? You know how you somehow feel original by making some...

Believe in Hope for Change

Based on what I’ve heard from Him in His campaign, I’ve written a potential speech for Barack Obama. I’ve tried to mold my language to His, fitting within His various doctrines. I hope it inspires you the way it has inspired me. (Waving for silence amongst the cheers...

Joe the Moron Under Represented

As you all know very well, The Talking Mirror is a well respected news organization trusted by millions. That burden weighs heavily on our shoulders, so when we see injustice in the way other supposed “news” organizations are covering the upcoming election we feel...