Calvin Was Right: The Total Depravity of MTV

I once had a friend whose list of life goals included amassing a fortune large enough to purchase MTV.  Having purchased it, he would hire the most despicable people he could find and fill the network’s airtime with debauchery and filth the likes of which have not...

If I Were a Boy: A Word On Female Pop Singers

Can I talk to you for five minutes about female pop singers?  I approach this topic with a measure of trepidation due to accusations of misogyny and chauvinism, which have recently been directed my way.  Let it be known that I am not presently, nor have I ever been...

Satan: Animals are My Kind of People

Greetings and Salutations!  I trust you all are finding this interminable winter as joyless and bitter as I intended.  You’ll have to forgive me for the many weeks that have passed since my last post.  What can I say?  The holidays are a busy time for me.  If I’m not...